2015: WE’RE FULL!


We’re happy to announce that our wonderful barrio of wanderers is officially full for Nowhere 2015!

Of course we know we had to disappoint a lot of interested Nowherians, but the good thing is you can always visit us, in our hammocks, during our workshops or just in our living room. Come and say hi, chill out with us and you can feel the Wonderever vibe as well!

See you in the dust and enjoy the sun, you beautiful wandering wonders..

Registrations 2015

Wonderever 2015 is almost full. As we’re only the beginning of April, we will put a temporary stop to the registrations. We’ll update the website as soon as we’re open again! E-mail us if you have questions. Dusty hugs!

Wonderever 2015 is slowly getting up to speed. As of today (February 2nd) you can register to camp with us at Nowhere 2015. If you want to join us, please register using the form in the link below and we will get in touch with you about payment of the barrio fee. Registration is only final upon payment of the barrio fee. Our barrio filled up quickly the previous years, so the earlier you register and pay the barrio fee the better. To promote early payment, this year we have come up with a tiered payment scheme:

Barrio fee (by time of payment):

  • Febr 1 – Febr 21 : €85 – €105 *
  • Febr 22 – March 21 : €95 – €115 *
  • March 22 – April 30: €115 – €135 *
  • May 1 – May 31 : €125 – €145 *
  • June 1 – June 301: €135 – €155 *

* We would like to encourage you to pay as much as you can. The price includes the construction of our camp, food, water and electricity. Every cent goes exclusively to the barrio. But the price excludes alcohol, we buy this separately, depending on everyone’s taste. This year our barrio fee is higher, because we need some extra money to buy a storage container. So if you can pay more, please do.

Nowhere Mailing list: big, big news!


We’re moving to a new site this year!

It’s very close to the old site, so you don’t have to change your travel plans. But you do need to pay careful attention to the Survival Guide, which will have the new directions.

We’ll be emailing out the Survival Guide this year, so make sure you’re on the mailing list NOW!

We’re also looking into whether the site move means we can sell more tickets – so stay tuned, and make sure all your friends are on the mailing list too!

Special thanks to Massimo and the Local Liaison team for all their hard work in getting us the new site!


Nous déménageons vers un nouveau site cette année!

Il est à deux pas de l’ancien site, donc pas besoin de changer vos plans de voyage. Mais veuillez porter une attention particulière au Guide de Survie, qui indiquera le nouvelle itinéraire.

Le Guide de Survie sera cette année envoyé par email, donc vérifiez que vous êtes bien inscrits à la mailing list DÈS MAINTENANT!

Il est possible que le changement de site nous permette d’augmenter le nombre de tickets vendus. Alors, restez connectés, et assurez-vous que vos amis soient également inscrits à notre liste de diffusion (mailing list)!

Et un merci tout spécial à Massimo et l’équipe en charge des contacts locaux pour leur travail acharné afin de nous trouver un nouveau site!


¡Este año nos trasladamos a un nuevo sitio!

Está muy cerca del sitio anterior, así que no tienes que cambiar tus planes de viaje. Pero debes prestar atención a la Survival Guide (Guía de Supervivencia), que tendrá la nueva dirección.

Este año vamos a enviar por correo electrónico la Survival Guide, ¡Así que asegúrate AHORA de que estás en la lista de correos!

También estamos viendo si el cambio de lugar nos permite vender mas entradas, asì que prestad atención! y aseguraros que todos vuestros amigos estén en la lista de correo también!

¡Agradecimientos especiales a Massimo y al equipo de Local Liaison por todo su duro trabajo para conseguirnos el nuevo lugar!


Wir ziehen dieses Jahr zu einen neuen Veranstaltungsort um!

Der neue Standort ist sehr nahe an dem alten, ihr müsst also eure Reisepläne nicht ändern. Ihr solltet aber auf den neuen “Survival Guide” achtgeben, der die neuen Anfahrtsbeschreibungen enthalten wird.

Dieses Jahr wird der “Survival Guide” per E-Mail verschickt, stellt also sicher, dass ihr auf der Mailingliste eingetragen seid.

Wir möchten außerdem herausfinden, ob der Umzug der Seite bedeutet, dass wir mehr Tickets verkaufen können – also haltet euch auf dem Laufenden und sagt auch euren Freunden Bescheid, dass sie sich auf der Mailingliste eintragen sollten!

Speziellen Dank an Massimo und das Team vor Ort für ihre harte Arbeit, die den neuen Veranstaltungsort ermöglicht hat.


Quest’anno ci sposteremo in un nuovo sito!

E’ molto vicino al precedente, per cui non dovrete cambiare i vostri piani di viaggio, ma vi preghiamo di prestare molta attenzione alla Survival Guide dove troverete le nuove indicazioni.

Invieremo la Survival Guide solo via email quest’anno, per cui assicuratevi al piu’ presto di essere iscritti alla mailing list !

Stiamo anche cercando di capire se il cambio di sito ci permetterà di mettere in vendita altri biglietti. Rimanete in ascolto e assicuratevi che tutti i vostri amici siano iscritti alla mailing list!

Un ringraziamento speciale per Massimo e il team Local Liaison per tutto il duro lavoro per permetterci di spostarci in questo nuovo sito!

Pix from our barrio

Here are a few photo galleries of pictures taken by members of our barrio.

Thank you!

Thank you all for a wonderful (and wanderful) Nowhere 2013. We wanted to make a barrio where people would feel good living and hanging out and the response we got from barrio members and visitor alike tells us we succeeded. All this thanks to you, every one who joined in building, cooking, decorticating, partying, wandering, hugging, chilling, … The barrio exceeded our wildest imagination and for that you have our eternal gratitude!

Wonderever barrio at Nowhere 2013